Anonymous, from Slave Songs of the United States
Sarah Allen, Narrative of a Shipwreck
Eunice Barber, Narrative of the Tragical Death of Mr. Darius Barber and His Seven Children
Francois-René de Chateaubriand, Atala
Mary Godfrey, An Authentic Narrative of the Seminole War
Washington Irving, Origin of the White, the Black, and the Red Men: A Seminole Tradition
John Howison, The Florida Pirate
C. C. Robin, Voyage to Louisiana
Nathan S. Jarvis, An Army Surgeon’s Notes on Frontier Service
William Gilmore Simms, Donna Florida
Mary Smith, An Affecting Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of Mrs. Mary Smith
John James Audubon, from American Ornithology
Selected Authors, Seminole War Poetry
- Josephine, Osceola
- Anonymous, OSEOLA
- H., To the memory of Lieutenant John W. S. McNeil, of the United States Army, who fell in an engagement with the Seminole Indians, near St. Augustine, Florida, September 10, 1837.
- Walt Whitman, Osceola
Harper’s Weekly, Billy Bowlegs in New Orleans